16. I am getting too many emails as updates from The Equality Network? How do I unsubscribe?
I am getting too many emails as updates from The Equality Network? How do I unsubscribe?
If you don’t want to receive any emails from The Equality Network then follow these steps
1. Go to Account
2. Click on Email Preferences

Under Email Preferences, you can see a list of options.
You can choose which notifications you want to receive in your email.
For instance, if you only want to get notified when someone mentions you then choose Yes next to that option and No on others.
Don’t forget to then Save the changes once you are done marking Yes or No on all these options.

Another way to stop getting email notifications from The Equality Network is:
You can find the Unsubscribe option towards the end of every email as shown below.
Click on Unsubscribe to stop getting any further emails from The Equality Network

That’s it.
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